Lightroom 4.4 Now Available - Adobe Blogs | Welcome to Blogs Lens Name Lens Mount Canon EF 35mm f/2 IS USM Canon Canon EF 24-70mm f/4 L IS USM Canon SIGMA 17-70mm F2.8-4 DC MACRO OS HSM C013 Canon SIGMA 35mm F1.4 DG HSM A012 Canon Nikon 1 NIKKOR 18.5mm f/1.8 Nikon Nikon AF-S NIKKOR ...
Where did the Old TypePad blog And Other Sub-Domain Mini Blogs go? (Reviews Streams, etc) - 1001 Noi The fall-out from moving forward with the WordPress blog (transition details here), affected a lot of the previous TypePad and sub-domain mini-sites. To summarize, the previous TypePad Main Blog is now archived under a sub-domain, while a lot of the other
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Fuji x100s Review :: A Camera Walks Into A Bar • Photography By Zack Arias • ATL • 404-939-2263 • st First comment – booyah! From Zack’s lips to these ears “And that folks… is why I say Fuji is the new Leica and the x100s is the greatest camera I’ve ever owned.” I’m a tech geek, but I always wait for V2 – from iPhone to software. And now the wait for my
The 2013 Olympus OM-D E-M1 review, part two: some comparisons – Ming Thein | Photographer Hello Ming. Some say the Olympus cameras render noise similarly to film grain. What do you think? I tried the EM-5 with 25/1.8 and somehow at 100% crop on focus point I don’t find pix as sharp as my Canon 60D w/ Sigma 17-50/2.8. Not that they don’t look .
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攝影好好玩粉絲團- Nikon D7100 賀禎有機會為大家開箱寫了 ... 在賀禎進一步寫完D7100 實測前Nikon D7100 賀禎有機會為大家開箱寫了篇開箱文嘍! ... [比攝影37] Nikon D7100 開箱規格介紹. ... 2013年5月4日 · Taipei, Taiwan ·.
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NIKON TAIWAN - YouTube 在各款尼康FX 格式型號產品中,D750 的機身最細小輕巧,除操控能力提升外,相機亦配備2430 萬像素高解像度影像潛力,為攝影場上的用家賦予更高自由度。相機能 ...